Integrity management department and its responsibilities

Meiloon has formulated the "Integrity Management Method" and "Integrity Management Procedures and Behavior Measures", which were approved by the board of directors on August 10, 2021.

The department designated by our company to operate with integrity is mainly responsible for the following matters:

  • Formulate relevant measures for integrity management in accordance with laws and regulations.
  • Regularly evaluate integrity risks and formulate standard operating procedures related to work and business.
  • Set up a mutual supervision mechanism for high-risk business activities.
  • Assist the board of directors and management to formulate and supervise management and prevention programs, and make regular reports on them.
  • Planning whistleblowing system.
  • Integrity courses.

Prevention of Dishonest Behavior

  • Employees are required to take integrity courses on the day of employment and sign a letter of integrity commitment.
  • Hold a course on integrity management and related laws and regulations once a year.
  • The company has established the "Integrity Management Method" and "Integrity Management Procedures and Behavior Measures", "Major Information Handling and Prevention of Insider Transaction Management Operation Procedures", "Code of Conduct for Honesty and Dedication of Directors and Employees", which include matters to be observed , and non-violations.
  • Meiloon has established the "Implementation Measures of the Whistleblowing System". When employees or outsiders find that dishonest behavior has occurred, they can report through this channel.
  • Integrity clauses are added to the contract with the supplier, which includes the handling measures for violating the company's integrity policy.

Execution situation